February 1, 2022

A first look at Sycamore’s new reactive primitives

How the next version of Sycamore will be the most ergonomic yet

Note: This post has been updated to reflect changes introduced in the latest v0.8 beta.

Sycamore is a library for building isomorphic web applications in Rust and WebAssembly.

At its core, Sycamore is built on what are called “reactive primitives”. These reactive primitives are simply wrappers that can keep track of state changes and notify you about them. The most common primitive is Signal.

Because everything in Sycamore is tied into its reactive system, this allows us to use a simpler and easier model for describing and rendering components. Unlike React hooks where functional components are re-run each time the state changes, components in Sycamore are only run once. The functions for creating components are more like component builders in that it describes the structure of the UI and reactivity does the rest.

What this means is that instead of the whole component function re-running, only the data that need to be re-computed are re-run. We can achieve this with Rust’s closures. And that’s the main problem that was limiting the ergonomics of Sycamore. Signal was Cloneable but not Copyable. This meant that each time a Signal was used within a closure it needed to be cloned first, then moved into it.

let data = Signal::new(...);
let callback = {
    let data = data.clone();
    move || {
        // Do something useful with `data`

As a workaround, we introduced the cloned! macro to make it a bit less boilerplate-y, but it still wasn’t the best.

let data = Signal::new(...);
let callback = cloned!(data => move || {
    // Do something useful with `data`

And it gets worse. In Sycamore, the view! macro is used to describe the UI, similarly to JSX in React. The issue with this was that dynamic data in the view! macro needed to be wrapped inside a closure that moved the signal in. That meant that the following code wouldn’t work.

let data = Signal::new(...);
view! {
    p { (data.get()) }
    //   ^^^^ -> `data` is moved into a closure here
    p { (data.get()) }
    //   ^^^^ -> ERROR: `data` already moved

To workaround this issue, we had to resort to the ugly hack of creating another variable with a different name outside the macro call.

let data = Signal::new(...);
let data_cloned = data.clone();
view! {
    p { (data.get()) }
    //   ^^^^ -> `data` is moved into a closure here
    p { (data_cloned.get()) }
    //   ^^^^ -> Ok. We are using `data_cloned`, not `data`.

That was the problem. It was like the thorns on the rose bush, or like a stone in the shoe. Reactivity was great on paper, but when implemented in Rust, it had a few unexpected gotchas.

In the next version of Sycamore (v0.8), this issue is now fixed! The gist of the issue was that the closures needed to be 'static because Signals were internally reference counted and thus there was no way to tell how long a Signal lived. Yet, most of the times, the lifetimes of signals were stacked like a tower, with the longest living Signal at the bottom and the shortest at the top. This was the perfect opportunity to take advantage of Rust’s borrow checker!

With the new reactive primitives, Signals are no longer reference-counted by default but are instead tied to the lifetime of the reactive scope in which it is created.

// Before:
let data = Signal::new(...);
// After:
let data = create_signal(cx, ...);

The cx is a reference to the current reactive scope. Whereas previously, reactive scopes were internally tracked using a complicated orchestration of thread-locals, reactive scopes are now explicitly represented by the Scope type. This change was necessary because otherwise, there would be no way to associate the lifetime of the Signal to the Scope.

Now, how is this an improvement? It is in the return type of Signal::new and cx.create_signal.

Signal::new returned, well, a Signal (which, if you remember, was Cloneable but not Copyable) but cx.create_signal returns a &Signal (a reference to a Signal, which is always Copyable). The way this works is that the Scope acts somewhat akin to an arena allocator. Signals that are created on a Scope are allocated in an internal allocator, thus making the Signal share the same lifetime as the Scope.

This means that we can now use our Signal in as many closures as we want.

let data = create_signal(cx, ...);
let callback = || data.get();
//             ^^ -> Look ma, no clones!
let another_callback = || data.get();
create_effect(cx, || {

Making reactive scopes explicit also allows another exciting possibility: first-class async/await support directly inside components! The reason this wasn’t possible before was because using async broke the topological code execution upon which relied the global thread-local solution. In other words, after a .await suspension point, we could no longer know what reactive scope we were in. Now that we can access cx directly, that makes writing the following code a possibility on our roadmap:

async fn AsyncFetch<G: Html>(cx: Scope) -> View<G> {
    let data = fetch_data().await;
    let derived = create_memo(cx, || data);
    //                        ^^ -> We can still access `cx`, even after the `.await` suspension point.
    view! {

It’s probably as ergonomic as it can get when it comes to suspense and async in UI frameworks.

Although this is a dramatic improvement for readability and ergonomics when using Sycamore, this new approach does have a few disadvantages.

The first is due to the nature of arena allocators. Arena allocators only free their memory all at once when they are destroyed. There is no deallocation while the arena allocator is still valid. This means that Signals must live as long as the Scope, no longer and no shorter. This means that one must be more careful in preventing leaking memory, for example, by not using cx.create_signal in a loop or in an effect where it might be called multiple times.

In the pretty rare cases where something like this is necessary, it is still possible to use a reference-counted Signal, an RcSignal which is pretty much identical to the old Signal.

The second is now that Signals are tied to the Scope, it is impossible for the Signal to “escape” the Scope. For example, the following code won’t compile.

let mut outer = None;
// Crete a new reactive scope and allow access to it through `cx`.
create_scope(|cx| {
    let data = create_signal(cx, 0);
    outer = Some(data);
    //           ^^^^ -> ERROR: `data` cannot escape

However, this behavior is rarely desired. And when absolutely needed, one can always resort back to an RcSignal just like before.

And this wraps up Sycamore’s new reactive primitives. To try them out, install the v0.8 beta published on crates.io. Note that there are quite a few breaking changes, not just with reactivity, but also with some other aspects of Sycamore (such as components) to make them compatible with the new reactivity system.