Reducing binary size

Note: More information about reducing binary size can be found in the Rust Wasm Book.

Building in release mode

If you are building for production, make sure you are serving a release WASM binary. Rust tends to produce very large WASM binaries during debug mode but simply passing the --release will massively reduce the total payload.

trunk build --release

Cargo.toml flags

It is possible to configure release builds to be smaller by using various flags and configurations in your Cargo.toml file.

# Do not perform backtrace for panic on release builds.
panic = 'abort'
# Perform optimizations on all codegen units.
codegen-units = 1
# Optimize for size.
opt-level = 's' # or 'z' to optimize "aggressively" for size
# Enable link time optimization.
lto = true

Using wasm-opt

If you are using trunk, add this line to your index.html to enable wasm-opt:

<link data-trunk rel="rust" data-wasm-opt="s" />