Creating your first Sycamore app

This section will guide you through creating your first Sycamore app. We’ll start by introducing the basics such as how to create views, how to manage state using reactivity, and how rendering lists work. This will build up towards eventually creating a simple todo app.


Install Rust

First, you’ll need to install Rust. If you have already done this, you can skip to the next section. It is strongly recommended to use the rustup tool to manage your Rust installation as it makes it very easy to install additional targets and toolchains. In fact, we will use it right now to install the wasm32-unknown-unknown target, which is needed to compile Rust to WebAssembly.

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

The minimum supported Rust toolchain is v1.81.0. Sycamore is not guaranteed to (and probably won’t) compile on older versions of Rust.

Sycamore also only works on Rust edition 2021 or later (which should be the default in new Rust projects). Even though most crates written in edition 2021 are backward compatible with older editions, this is not the case for Sycamore because Sycamore’s proc-macro generates code that is only compatible with edition 2021. Furthermore, the disjoint capture in closures feature greatly improves the ergonomics when working with Sycamore’s reactivity.

Install Trunk

Trunk is the recommended build tool for Sycamore. If you are familiar with JavaScript frontend development, Trunk is like webpack or rollup but with first-class support for building Rust WASM apps.

We are currently working on building a Sycamore specific CLI tool but it is not yet ready. For now, Trunk is the recommended to build your Sycamore app.

You can use one of the following commands to install Trunk on your system:

# Install via homebrew on Mac, Linux or Windows (WSL).
brew install trunk

# Install a release binary (great for CI).
# You will need to specify a value for ${VERSION}.
wget -qO-${VERSION}/trunk-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz | tar -xzf-

# Install via cargo.
cargo install --locked trunk

For more information, check out the Trunk website

Setting up your IDE

There are lots of options for developing Rust. Some popular options include Visual Studio Code and Rust Rover. In general, any IDE that supports LSP (Language Server Protocol) should work fine along with Rust Analyzer.

Create a new Sycamore project

If you want to start with a template project, check out sycamore-start, a simple bare-bones Sycamore template. Or just follow along the instructions.

Now with all the prerequisites installed, we can create our new Sycmore app.

cargo new hello-sycamore
cd hello-sycamore

This creates a blank Rust project called hello-sycamore. Let’s add Sycamore as a dependency by running:

cargo add sycamore@0.9.1

You can also do this manually by adding the following line to your Cargo.toml file.

sycamore = "0.9.1"

Hello, world!

Open up your src/ file and replace the contents with:

use sycamore::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    sycamore::render(|| "Hello, world!".into());

As you can tell, Sycamore is very focused on reducing any boilerplate. A hello world app in Sycamore really just is a single line (if we don’t count the use statements). Hopefully, what this code does should be somewhat obvious. We start with a call to sycamore::render which initializes our app. This function expects a closure which returns a View, a type that represents our UI tree. Here, we create a View containing a single text node by using From<&str>.

Finally, create a index.html file at the root of your project directory with the following contents which is required for Trunk to build your app to WebAssembly.

<!DOCTYPE html>

All that’s left to do is to run:

trunk serve

This will build your app and automatically rebuild it whenever you make a change to your source file, which is very useful for development. Open up http://localhost:8080 in your web browser. If you see the words “Hello, world!” on the screen, then congratulations! You have successfully created your first Sycamore app!

Creating views

On the web, Sycamore renders to HTML. Right now, we are just rendering a single string. Let’s try something slightly more complicated. To do so, we can use the view! macro (as we’ll see later, Sycamore also supports using a builder API to describe views. However, we’ll keep it simple for now by sticking to the macro).

Replace the body of your main function with:

sycamore::render(|| view! {
    h1 { "Hello, world!" }
    p { "This is my first Sycamore app" }

The view! macro provides a convenient and concise way of describing UI nodes. With this example, we are creating the following HTML structure:

<h1>Hello, world!</h1>
<p>This is my first Sycamore app</p>

Of course, we can also nest elements, for example, surrounding our elements in a <div>...</div> container.

view! {
    div {
        h1 { "Hello, world!" }
        p { "This is my first Sycamore app" }

Adding attributes

We can also add HTML attributes to our elements using the following syntax:

view! {
    h1(id="hello-world") { "Hello, world!" }

This generates the following HTML:

<h1 id="hello-world">Hello, world!</h1>

Using components

Obviously, we don’t want to write our entire app inside a single function. To solve this problem, we can use components. It is conventional to define a top-level App component which acts as the entry-point for your app.

In Sycamore, components are just functions that return View. To define a component, use the #[component] attribute.

fn App() -> View {
    view! {
        div {
            h1 { "Hello, world!" }
            p { "This is my first Sycamore app" }

fn main() {

We can create a component with the view! macro using essentially the same syntax we have used for elements.

fn HelloWorld() -> View {
    view! {
        p { "Hello, world!" }

fn App() -> View {
    view! {
        // Components can be at the top-level of a view.

        // Or they can be nested.
        div {

Components not only help you split up your code, but also let’s you reuse code that is used multiple times in your app.

Component props

Components really shine with component props. These are arguments to the component that can affect what is rendered.

To have a component take props, we need to first create a struct reprenseting the props type.

struct HelloProps {
    name: String,

fn Hello(props: HelloProps) -> View {
    view! {
        p { "Hello, " ( "!" }

Here, we have defined a Hello component that takes in a single prop name of type String. We also used a new piece of syntax from view!: when surrounding an expression inside parentheses, the value is interpolated into the view.

We can now call our component like this, which would then display “Hello, Sycamore!”.

view! {

Note that components are fully type-checked, meaning that this will not compile:

view! {
    // Error: missing prop `name`.

Component children

There is a special component prop called children. This prop allows you to nest views inside of a component. For example, suppose we wanted to create a component that wraps its content inside a <div> element. We can easily do that with:

struct WrapperProps {
    children: Children,

fn Wrapper(props: WrapperProps) -> View {
    view! {
        div {

fn App() -> View {
    view! {
        Wrapper {
            p { "Nested children" }

Inline props

Creating a new struct every time we want to have a component accept props can quickly get tedious. To solve this, we can use inline props. If we replace #[component] with #[component(inline_props)], we can write our props directly as parameters of our component function.

This following example is equivalent to our previous example. What inline props does behind the hood, in fact, is simply generate the struct for us so that we don’t have to write it out explicitly.

fn Wrapper(children: Children) -> View {
    view! {
        div {

It will likely turn out that you will almost never use struct props, simply because it involves more typing than inline props. For this reason, we are considering making inline props the default in a future version of Sycamore. However, as of v0.9, you must still explicitly annotate your component with inline_props.

Next, we will see how to add state to our app and make it interactive.